On February 4th, The Office of the Comptroller identified a printing malfunction that led to a limited batch of roughly 6,000 1099-G forms going to incorrect addresses. The printing error did not impact other tax forms produced by the agency. There was no external data breach; this was an internal issue. Individuals who mistakenly received another person’s information should destroy the document immediately.
The correct 1099 will be mailed to affected individuals this week, and the correct information is also available to view through the General Accounting Division Online Service Center. In the coming days, our agency will also provide additional instructions to affected individuals regarding credit monitoring services paid for by the Office of the Comptroller. Affected taxpayers can email with the subject line “1099G Issue” with questions or concerns as well.
We sincerely apologize for not catching the error and for any distress this incident may cause the affected individuals. We will be altering our process in the future on printing jobs to ensure this type of incident does not ever happen again.