Corporate Purchasing Card FAQs

Corporate Purchasing Card Answers

  1. Who controls the CPC program for the state?

    The Agency Purchasing Card Program Administrator (PCPA) controls the agency input data. The General Accounting Division administers the CPC program centrally.

  2. What is the Single Purchase Limit of the current program?

    The Single Purchase Limit is $5,000.

  3. What is the 22-digit number used for?

    The 22-digit number is used to distribute charges to the agencies throughout the state in FM/S RSTARS and consists of:

    Field Name Financial Agency Code PCA Object Flag
    (C or A)
    Object Code Agency Use Code Default PCA
    Length 3 A/N 5A/N 1A 4N 6 A/N 3 A/N
  4. How is the information submitted to the State?

    A Statement Billing File is transmitted to GAD via Connect Direct, at the end of the biling cycle period.

  5. What is the Biling Cycle period?

    The Biling Cycle period is from the 26th of the current month to the 25th of the following month. If the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, then it is the next business day.

  6. Why is the current bill cycle used?

    To insure charges are transferred into the State's Accounting System within the accounting month.

  7. When is the payment due?

    The current bill is due 15 days after the end of the monthly biling cycle.

  8. How is the bill paid?

    The General Accounting Division pays the bill monthly for all agencies. The agencies do not pay from the Monthly Cardholder Statements.

  9. What software is used to run reports?

    Currently we are using U.S. Bank Access Online software, which is used by the Agency Purchasing Card Program Administrators (PCPAs) to monitor cardholder activity.