Number |
Title |
Description |
500 |
Maryland Corporation Income Tax Return |
Form used by a corporation and certain other organizations to file an income tax return for a specific tax year or period. |
500 (2D) |
Maryland Corporation Income Tax Return. Read PDF Viewer And/Or Browser Incompatibility if you cannot open this form. |
Form used by a corporation and certain other organizations to file an income tax return for a specific tax year or period. |
500CRW |
Business Income Tax Credits |
Form used to claim selected business tax credits against corporation or personal income tax. An electronic return must be submitted to claim a business tax credit on Form 500CR. Maryland Form 500CRW Waiver Request for Electronically Filing Form 500CR must be submitted in order to file a paper version of Maryland Form 500CR. |
Declaration of Estimated Corporation Income Tax |
Form used by a corporation to declare, and remit estimated income tax for tax year 2024. |
500D (2D)
Declaration of Estimated Corporation Income Tax. Read PDF Viewer And/Or Browser Incompatibility if you cannot open this form. |
Form used by a corporation to declare and remit estimated income tax for tax year 2024. |
500DM |
Decoupling Modification |
Form used to determine the amount of addition and subtraction modifications that are required as a result of Maryland's decoupling from certain federal provisions listed on the form. |
500E |
Application for an Extension to File Corporation Income Tax Return |
Form used to apply for an extension of time to file the corporation income tax return, and to remit any tax that may be due. |
500E (2D) |
Application for an Extension to File Corporation Income Tax Return. Read PDF Viewer And/Or Browser Incompatibility if you cannot open this form. |
Form used to apply for an extension of time to file the corporation income tax return, and to remit any tax that may be due. |
500UP |
Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax by Corporations and Pass-Through Entities |
Form and instructions used by corporations or pass-through entities to calculate the amount of interest and penalty for failure to pay the required amount of estimated income tax when due. |
500UP (2D) |
Underpayment of Estimated Income Tax by Corporations and Pass-Through Entities. Read PDF Viewer And/Or Browser Incompatibility if you cannot open this form. |
Form and instructions used by corporations or pass-through entities to calculate the amount of interest and penalty for failure to pay the required amount of estimated income tax when due. |
Number |
Title |
Description |
510 |
Pass-Through Entity Tax Return |
Form used for filing pass-through entity income tax return for the calendar year or any other tax year or period beginning in 2024. |
511 |
Maryland Pass-Through Entity Election Income Tax Return |
Form used for filing pass-through entity electing income tax return for the calendar year or any other tax year or period beginning in 2024. |
510C |
Maryland Composite Pass-Through Entity Income Tax Return |
Pass-Through entities may use Form 510C to file a composite income tax return on behalf of eligible nonresident individual members. Nonresident members other than individuals may not participate in the composite return. |
Declaration of Estimated Pass-Through Entity Tax |
Form used by a pass-through entity to declare and remit estimated tax for tax year 2024. |
510/511E |
Application for Extension to File Pass-Through Entity |
Form used to apply for an extension of time to file the pass-through entity income tax return, and to remit any tax that may be due. |
510/511 Schedule K-1 |
Maryland Pass-Through Entity Members Information |
Use Form 510/511 (Schedule K-1) to report the distributive or pro rata share of the member's income, additions, subtractions, nonresident tax and credits apportioned to Maryland. |